What's that?
You're surprised I'm alive?
Well, frankly, so am I.
I've been in nursing school, you see. Technically, I still AM in nursing school. For four more months. (Then.... GRADUATION!!!)
And all of my creative juices were sucked right out of my body and channeled into learning pharmacology and physiology and how to clean up poop and "nurse" people back to health. (AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! What? No puns allowed? Fine.)
So my beloved little blog DIED. Ironic, isn't it?
But I've decided that I just have to bring it back. I've missed writing and I've missed all of you lovely people. If you're still out there.
Well I'll just talk anyway.
So LOTS of things have happened since I went away. Besides nursing school, I mean. I'll have to write a whole separate post about all the interesting nursing school things, I think. Friends, fun, field trips... poop. Lots of poop. But I digress.
The BEST new thing that's happened is my nephew Connor! My older sister Jennifer had him last May and he is LOVELY. I just think he's the most wonderfulest thing I've ever seen. He's 8 months old now. So he can't really do a whole lot except smile and be a cute little happy lump but if you knew him, you'd love him. I sure do. I don't get to see him as often as I'd like. He's in Lufkin and I'm here in College Station. But unless I barge into my sister's house and announce my intent to become a permanent resident I think things are as good as they're going to be right now. And it's ok. Just as long as he knows who I am.
You remember how my body is slowly trying to do away with me? Yeah, that's still going on. I have pernicious anemia now. It's where your stomach suddenly decides it's not going to produce something called intrinsic factor anymore so you can't absorb the vitamin B12. (Aha! I've found my ulterior motive for getting rid of the B words!)
You get awfully ridiculous without B12.
You can't concentrate, or walk in a straight line, or see, your body starts to strip away the sheaths surrounding your nerves.... it's a marvelous thing.
So I've been getting that fixed. Shots for 6 months. Then tablets for the rest of life. Fun.
See? This body really IS on a mission to kill me. For heaven's sake, it must be some kind of psychological freak show.
So many of my wonderful friends or family have had babies or gotten married! It's been like an explosion! Maybe there's an upcoming apocalypse someone forgot to warn me about...
Anyways... I hereby promise to update this here bloggy-thingie on a more consistent basis from this time forth. Maybe with funny nursing stuff, maybe with old funny Germany stuff, maybe with just stuff that nobody cares about but I think is interesting. As I mentioned at the beginning, you read at your own risk.
I shall leave you with a picture of the new love of my life.