... and proceeded to spill an entire glass of water all over my nightstand. I wish my dreams were not quite so vivid.
Anyway. The biopsy came back normal. So I do not have duodenal cancer. Yippie, right?
Well in a way I guess you could say I'm relieved and rather glad.
But in another I was actually rather discouraged and even... disappointed.
You're probably thinking, "You crazy idiot. No one WANTS cancer. What kind of a psycho are you??"
Well I don't WANT cancer. I WANT for whatever this sickness is to have a NAME. Because when it is named it can be cured. Unless you know what something is you can't go about treating it.
At the moment I am adrift on a boat of sickness in a sea of exhaustion and pain without a sail. I don't have any oars and my crewmen all jumped overboard because, let's face it, intestinal distress is nobody's friend.
Sometimes I get the feeling that people think I should just jump into the water and swim for it. Like I'm in the boat because I want to be. And I could leave if I really tried hard enough. I don't think they see these invisible 80 pound weights the Gremlins tied to my ankles.
No land in sight.
No breeze for the non-existent sail.
Just me in a boat. And I'm sure the toilet is going to stop working any day now.
I know what you're thinking. I'm feeling sorry for myself, right? And that's pathetic and I shouldn't do it.
Well I'm not feeling sorry for myself. Even sick and tired I'm far better off than most people.
But I sure do wish I had some answers.
And I wish I didn't feel so...

Friend, you most definitely not alone. The people who matter know that this sickness is real and very present. We're not going to let you stop fighting for an answer and and I promise- there IS an answer out there. You keep your chin up and remember that there are plenty of people out there who love you and are praying for you every day. :)
ReplyDeletethis whole thing sounds like it totally sucks! i'm so sorry that they don't have an answer for you yet. and i can't believe, in the middle of that post, you added gremlins and broken toilets. only you could mix the "reflective" and "amusing" genres with such great style. :) love you, friend.