Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bottom Line

OK so today I am going to rant. Because people are stupid. (Forget "netiquette." I shall now use capital letters whenever I wish to emphasize something.) I am going to RANT because people are STUPID!

So here's why.
We were talking today in my microbiology class about some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They're not so much fun but the grossest thing is that they're usually spread through fecal-oral contamination. Yuck, right? Ew, ew, gross, sick, barf, etc.
But it seemed that in my class there were some people who did not understand how this contamination could take place. So our teacher explained how in some countries the sewer systems are less than developed. As in, some people take their bodily wastes and throw it out the door or window where it is then washed down the center of the street into a river or into a gutter that leads to a water "treatment" facility that basically does nothing to the water.
OK. Now is this really news to any of you? Are you shocked or dismayed by any of this? Are you horrified by brand new information that sends your stomach reeling?
Or are you picturing third-world countries and slums in places like India, Mexico and Bangladesh?
There were girls in my class that acted like they'd never heard anything like this before and that it was the most disgusting phenomenon they'd ever encountered.
I wanted to ask, "Haven't you ever read a National Geographic? Or seen the Discovery Channel? Or seen one of those Christian Children's Fund infomericals? Heck, what about one of those stupid Magic School Bus episodes? Those are even cartoons!!"
Maybe it's a stupid thing to be annoyed about. But it irked me.
Don't you people ever think about anybody else? Or the problems that exist in the world? Like proper drinking water, for instance??
And all these girls are going into the health care field! To be nurses! Who're supposed to be concerned with other people FIRST. What the HECK?
This is the end of my rant for today.

1 comment:

  1. It is also interesting that people don't think about the fact that some people do not wash their hands after visiting the restroom. I am sure some of your classmates would be shocked that people can get that stuff in the U.S. because people don't take the time to wash their hands...
