Tuesday, June 8, 2010


You know what baffles me? (Besides, of course, those barking dog Christmas CDs.)
How educational institutions can possibly expect you to remember a 6, 8 or 10 digit number they arbitrarily assign you, along with a password or PIN number that is also 6, 8, or 10 letters, numbers, or special symbols (because sometimes it's just not enough to say "tortoise". You have to say "tor1oise!*33") You are then expected to remember these numbers, letters and characters for the rest of your natural born days.
And God help you if you forget them.
And if you happen to attend more than ONE institution!
So I'm in the process of sending all of my transcripts to the nursing people. And I've gone to FIVE colleges thus far.
If you've been counting, that's FIVE student IDs and FIVE passwords/PINs for a total of TEN ridiculous combinations of letters and numbers that I can't possibly remember.
I should have written them down long ago?
I don't think I asked you.

You know what else baffles me?
Here's a thought I had.
If I'm married and I kiss another man, I'm a cheater. Right?
And if I'm married and I kiss another man and have someone else film it, I'm both a cheater and a bit of a perv. Right?
But if I'm married and kiss another man, have someone else film it, throw in quite a few other scenes, and call myself an actress, then I'm well within my rights and have free liberty to do what I like. Because it's acting.
Isn't that interesting?
It seems to be a question of feelings. If you have feelings for the other person then you are a cheater. But if you don't, you're an actress. If you can pretend you do and convince others that you do, you're a good actress.
But can you make out with or even mime sex with someone you can't stand? Dislike? Hate? I'm not so sure...
What about those people who begin acting together and end up together? Sometimes at the sake of the relationships they were already in?
I know there are far more who don't end up together but I can't help but wonder if this issue is exactly the reason why a disproportionate number of Hollywood marriages don't stay together. Could you really trust someone who macks on other women as his day job? I don't know that I could.
Food for thought, people. Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... You raise an interesting point. I should take up acting!!! Thanks for the insight. lol
