Friday, September 10, 2010

Broken... Something New This Time

My mom has some flowers outside in our backyard. Personally, I think they're kind of weird, but she really likes them. The technical name is Canna Lily but they're not really lilies. Sort of like how Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island. *Discuss* (If you don't know what I'm talking about go rent the Best of Mike Myers on SNL.)
She has 5 or 6 of them blooming at the moment so she asked me to go take some pictures of them. I like to take pictures of flowers, see. I have a lot of them. I take far more pictures of flowers and bushes and things than I do of people. This is because a flower will not stick it's tongue out at you the moment you press the camera button. Neither will it attempt to moon you.
Anyways again...
So I went out and took several pictures of the cannas with her camera and with mine. Her camera is extraordinarily expensive and does lots of amazing things. Mine I bought myself and just does a few neat things. But I love it. Because I worked and saved for it and it was the absolute best I could afford at the time.
It's a Kodak EasyShare Z885 and when I bought it for my birthday (and I had a coupon!) it cost me a little more than 200 dollars. It takes 8.1 megapixel pictures and can do, as I said, some neat things. It perfect and I've taken some incredible pictures with it. Visit my webshots account if you don't believe me.
My mom's camera has a neck strap. Mine doesn't. So I put her camera around my neck and my camera in her camera bag that I was carrying over my shoulder. Then I got a trifle spooked by a demon in the shape of a wasp.
So I was on my way inside, and was kicking off my shoes and my camera fell out of the camera bag and straight onto the concrete patio, where it bounced twice and came to rest face down. (The shoes were not mine, really. They were my dad's. The same ones that caused me to trip the other day. I've decided they must be unlucky.)
I just about had a heart attack.
As you have probably guessed, my beautiful little camera is no longer functional.
When you turn it on the viewer shows a pink screen with lines across it. If you take a picture, it comes out pink with lines across it. I've never seen anything like it. The pink looks like Pepto-Bismol. It's absolutely revolting.
I'm devastated.
You can't have a job during nursing school, you know. And mine (hopefully) will begin in January. And I have been so sick that I haven't been able to work. So here I sit, at TWENTY EIGHT, completely dependent on the charity of my parents, completely penniless, and now completely devoid of my beautiful, perfect, splendidly gorgeous and fantastic camera!!
I'd cry but I'm afraid that might send Barney into a fit of hysteria. He's very sensitive.
Well I hope the start of the weekend is better for the rest of you. Here's a picture of one of the damned flowers to get you going:

My Webshots:"

1 comment:

  1. I am quite sure that a member of our family will manage to replace said camera at Christmas. Cheer up friend- these times will not last forever!
