So, I missed Monday again. Terribly sorry about that. But I was enthralled in yet another TV show. Yes, this is my pathetic, mono-infested life. TV, my laptop and a cross-stitch pattern that I bought in college and recently re-discovered. Incidentally, I shall probably finish this particular cross-stitch when I am 90. It is now quite clear to me why I chose to hide it from myself. Anyway... This particular show is called Lie to Me. It stars Tim Roth and is based on a real life behavioral scientist who goes around helping the police and FBI by figuring out if people are lying. It's quite interesting. I love science-y things and this particular show is very well written and is highly enjoyable. But mostly, it has Tim Roth. And he's British and goes around calling everyone "love". *giggle*
So let's see. German memories.
Ah, here's a good one.
Oktoberfest. Everybody loves Oktoberfest. Why? Well, that's just a silly question. It's because of the BEER. There's a lot of it, you see. And when people drink it, they get happy. Sometimes they get happy enough to sing. Or dance. Or both.
Sometimes they get happy enough to do those things in public.
And sometimes they get happy enough to do one of those things with an enormous pink stuffed rabbit.
Yes, it's quite true.
One afternoon in October I walked across the village to pick up my little sister from a neighbor's house. (Several other military families lived in the same village we did.) On the way there I passed the village beer garden which was full of very happy people. However, nothing in particular caught my attention and I continued merrily along my way.
Well I stayed at the neighbor's house for a few minutes and by the time my sister and I were ready to leave the mom of the family, who was a very protective sort, decided she didn't want us walking back home alone. So she decided to walk with us.
Upon passing the very same beer garden we happened to find a man, perhaps in his mid-thirties, sitting alone on the curb, holding a very large, very pink stuffed rabbit. He was extraordinarily happy (read: drunk off his you know what) and was singing in a very slurry kind of German to the aforementioned bunny.
At which point the three of us looked at each other and the mom remarked, "Well that's not something you see everyday."
It turns out she was quite correct.

Sometimes I wish I could go back and find that man and thank him for the memories....or find a giant pink bunny of my OWN and see what the appeal was. :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha!! I know!!