Well I have to tell you about the dream I had last night. This was special. This has not ever happened to me before. As you know, usually as I dream I talk or laugh until I wake myself up. One time I woke up because I was scratching out a rhythm to a song with my toes. In 2006 my friend Sara and I moved in with an elderly couple to be their caretakers for a summer. The first night we were there she said I simultaneously managed to click my teeth, talk, and move my feet like I was running a race. I am not a dull sleeper.
But last night was something new altogether. In my dream I was reading some kind of technical manual and proceeded to BORE myself awake. I am absolutely serious. As soon as I woke up I knew exactly what had happened. And I immediately told myself, "Well done. You've just made history. I'm sure you're the first person alive to ever bore herself out of her own dreams." I mean, seriously?
I wrote a new limerick today. It's not a reflection about how I feel; it was for a friend. So I thought I'd share it with you.
Sometimes my life sucks a lot
It's just like a fish who's been caught
He thinks, "Wow! A trip!
And perhaps a friendship?"
But ends up with no eyes in a pot.
What do you mean it's morbid and you hate it? Well no one said you had taste in limericks anyway.

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